The National Capital Bank
Capitol Hill Classic
Sunday, May 19, 2024
The National Capital Bank Capitol Hill Classic is the Cluster's biggest community event and our biggest fundraiser of the year. Register you and your family now for the 10K, 3K, and/or Fun Run and join the fun on May 19!
What is the Capitol Hill Classic?
The National Capital Bank Capitol Hill Classic is Washington, DC’s largest and oldest 10K race and a major fundraiser for the Cluster - Peabody, Watkins, and Stuart-Hobson. It also includes a 3K for younger runners, and a "Fun Run" around Stanton Park for our youngest kids. Here's all the information you need about the Classic.
When is the Capitol Hill Classic?
May 19, 2024. The 10K starts at 8:30 am. The 3 K at 10:30 am and the Fun Run at 11:00 am. The races all start right in front of Peabody.
Who participates in the Classic?
Anybody! Everybody! The race is not just for the Cluster community. People from all over DC and beyond register and run. Heck, some 10-year old from New Jersey set a world record here a few years ago. So, if you have runners in your life, have them register knowing they're supporting your kids' school!
What does it cost to participate?
It costs $50 to enter the 10K, $40 for the 3K and $20 for the Fun Run. Scholarships are also available to ensure all Cluster students who want to run can. Contact Ms. Montgomery at for more info.
I'm not much of a runner. But can I volunteer to help?
Oh, you betcha. If you would like to volunteer, we have many different roles. Contact Jayme Johnson -
What is Fund My Run?
The Classic "Fund My Run" campaign (formerly known as the Classic Pledge Drive) engages all Cluster students in asking friends, family, neighbors, or anyone to support them as they run in the Capitol Hill Classic—ergo Fund My Run. Every dollar earned through Fund My Run goes to helping our kids, classrooms, and community.
Who participates in Fund My Run?
All Cluster students at Peabody, Watkins, and Stuart-Hobson can participate. Even if they're not running in the Classic itself, they can still help raise funds for our Cluster community.
What do I do?
Register to run the Classic at
Find an email from Fund My Run with a link to your child's/children's customizable Fund My Run page. Or, go to and find your child/children's page/pages.
Customize the page with a pic and a personal message.
Blast the link to friends, family, colleagues, neighbors. Email it. Post on social media. Drop it in a WhatsApp chat. Share in your work Slack.
What's in it for the kids?
PRIZES! The Washington Capitals have generously donated some goodies for our top fundraisers.
The first 30 Cluster students to earn donations from 10 people will win a bobblehead of Caps goalkeeper Darcy Kuemper.
Students who earn donations from 20 people or more will be entered into a raffle to win tickets to a future Caps game!
We also have gift certificates to Dick's Sporting Goods and Della Barba Pizza! Students can also earn a social media spotlight, their picture in the Hill Rag, and more! But you gotta be in it to win it!
What does the money we raise go to?
The Classic - including Fund My Run - is the biggest Cluster PTA fundraiser of the year. The money we raise goes toward academic and classroom support and supplies at Watkins, free community events like Family Fun Night this Friday, Food Prints, specials (Art, Library, Music, PE, Science), garden maintenance, Flex enrichment scholarships, teacher appreciation and so much more. And with potential DCPS budget cuts looming, our support is as important as ever!
What if I have more questions?
For questions about the races, email the Classic Race Team at